Friday, July 31, 2009

I'm back

I'm listening to...

Amon Tobin - Ever Falling.

Right now.

And, I like it.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Meditation Method 1

Self-Inquiry Meditation

This is something like what I did during one of the free meditations I attended last month at Yama Studio. A truly wonderful experience for me.

I think it would be a nice feature to include regular Meditation Method posts on the Delicately Animated blog. I look forward to writing and experiencing them!

Signing off from this post to do some yoga at home.


Sunday, May 03, 2009

A Welcomed Message

I am beautiful,

I am bountiful,

I am blissful.

via a Yogi Tea teabag paper hang tag (Tahitian Vanilla Hazelnut Tea, yum!)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

Silos Reconstructed

Yet another reason the visit Amsterdam:

"Amsterdam City council recently held ‘The Silo Competition’ which involved the adaptive and reuse design for two former sewage treatment silos in the city’s Zeeburg district."

"For the competition NL Architects proposed silos dedicated to climbing, sports and culture. In their design the existing structures were extended to the maximum height to benefit from the views."

via Boing Boing via archiCentral

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Life: Spring

Changes in this World
But flowers will open
Each spring
Just as usual.

-from A Zen Harvest: Japanese Folk Zen Sayings by Shigematsu

Monday, March 30, 2009


i could be dangling my legs over a highway.

amazing. i just remembered that i took many pictures while perched precariously over top of the gardiner expressway. the cops even came to talk to me to see if i was crazy. yes and no, i was a experimenting art student at the time. hellz yeah. but the photos and artwork are in a landfill now. my bro was so upset once that he tossed out a bunch of my art work that was stored at my parents home. bah. anyway, i would have tossed them too, eventually.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Best advice all weekend

Great tips that I will use all this week here, 33 Best Small Design Tips, even though our space isn't that small compared to our former digs, I'd still like to declutter.

I had a lovely Saturday out and about. Today, my morning was good. I went to a new yoga studio and did a wonderful class that I look forward to going back to next week. It was too good. The rest of the day after yoga was the worst. I just couldn't bring my morning yoga vibe into the rest of my life today.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Coffee Coffee Coffee - better for now

in development is another move, possibly to TX. we've got a few better places to be, like where we are now (it's easy, yes?) or back home in BC. all three locations are possibilities at this point.

i've been feeling sluggish and craving burgers lately (well yes, i am in the US). my eldest suggests it's the late nights that i've been keeping (brushing his teeth and reading together) that are tiring me.

i think i will clear out all my piled up and accumulated clutter and craft supplies in the "exercise" room to clear the space so that i can comfortably get on the elliptical trainer tonight. after all, warmer weather is calling and i'd like to be in better shape since i assume it's the egg hike we went on this past sunday that has wiped me out. i'm still recovering. though holding those wonderfully wet salamander and frog eggs from the pond in the woods was too much fun and so worth the slump in energy afterwards. next time i'd rather not be tired days after the hike. the next hike this weekend is a tree identification hike. looking forward to it. i'll plan a few dates with my elliptical trainer before then. yes yes.

once i upload pictures from my phone i'll post some images from our frog hike fun.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Uneasy - What's this in my drafts?

a surprise photo, above. it looks like one of the trees and buildings over near where we used to live on the mountain. what is it doing in my draft posts? i can't seem to remember the relevance of this photo. likely, it was taken two years ago.

well, i'm feeling a little uneasy these days about our near future here in the US. yes, we moved a while ago (it's been well over year). the company that my partner currently works for is closing in 60 days (or a little less now) if they don't find a buyer. they've got a potential buyer touring the office tomorrow. yes, i'm a little tense about all the uncertainty. like, will we remain in the US? will we move back to the mountain (if a job is found in vancouver)? will we be in toronto until suitable work is found? arghhh!!!